My name's Catherine.
I'm a crafter. I'm also a teacher. A student. A gamer. An artist. A singer. A wanna-be dancer.
I'm a jack-of-all-trades who never quite figured out what she wanted to do...except EVERYTHING. So that's what this blog is. Acknowledging and exploring the everything that we can do. I hope you'll join me and share the creative explorations in your own life.
We'll talk about sewing, costuming, drawing, singing, literature, and who knows what else.
I was lucky to have a ton of crafty relatives who encouraged the drive in me. I had an aunt who taught me to make salt-dough ornaments, and my grandmother got me a weird little weaving thing on which I made several hideously colorful pot holders. I dreamed about making money off of my friendship bracelets in middle school.
Behold, the artistic genius of my early years.
And I'm just twisted enough to use it as my Christmas tree topper.
In high school, I got into cosplay. My mother taught me the basics of sewing, and I went on to teach most of my friends in my "school of contortionist sewing" (if you've ever used a sewing machine on the floor, you'll understand).
Me in the later cosplay years, as Yue Ying from Dynasty Warriors 6.
I never stopped crafting and drawing, but in graduate school my crafting became more and more erratic, and I rarely ever wrote or even read for fun. My crafting got reduced to knitting plain scarves while I watched TV, and I got lost in in the mire of academia.
And then I said no.
I said no to living passively and letting life push me along the path of least resistance.
And so here I am, reclaiming the parts of life that give me the most joy. I'm engaged to an awesome guy, graduating in a year with a Ph.D., belly dancing, and actively trying to get back into creating.